Adolescence and Matrescence: Two Transformative Journeys Compared – Exploring Why Adolescence Can Be a Challenging Period

Welcome back, dear readers! In our previous blog post, we explored the intriguing concept of matrescence, a transformative journey into motherhood. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, you can catch up HERE. Today, we’re diving into an equally fascinating and dynamic transformation: Adolescence.

When I’m not private coaching, I work as a school educator, offering motivational workshops and aspirational coaching in secondary schools and beyond. While I feel that the work I do in schools is my life’s mission and passion, it has allowed me to dive deeper into an intriguing comparison of Matrescence – Adolescence. This revelation has propelled me into an opportunity to speak on a global platform to thousands of women, sharing my findings and empowering us females to know that knowledge is power. Understanding ourselves a little more can help us navigate everyday transitions and transformations with more happiness and harmony.


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Right now, you might wonder, “What’s the big deal about adolescence?” “Why is adolescence a challenging period?” To honour a client who once asked if adolescence was the hardest part of the parenting journey and felt overwhelmed and detached from their old self. Well, as it turns out, it’s a very big deal, marked by significant changes and discoveries, much like matrescence. So, fasten your seatbelts because we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure into the world of adolescence.

Pillar One: Identity

One of the key pillars of transformation during adolescence is identity. Just as in the journey of matrescence, where mothers grapple with shifting identities, teenagers undergo their own identity revolution. The teen years are all about self-discovery, where young minds ask questions like “Who am I?” and “Where do I fit in?” It’s a quest to define oneself within an ever-changing landscape, both internally and externally.


Real-Life Example: Sarah, a young mother, went through matrescence questioning her identity when she transitioned from a successful career to being a stay-at-home mom. She grappled with who she was now that her primary role was motherhood. Similarly, her teenage daughter, Emily, navigated a similar identity crisis when she transitioned from middle school to high school, questioning her role in the peer group and discovering her interests.


Fun Fact: Did you know that the average teenager changes their identity approximately 2.7 times before breakfast? Okay, not really, but it often feels that way! Adolescence is a period of experimentation, trying on different identities, and discovering what truly resonates.

The Rollercoaster of Emotions!

Once you’re on the matrescence rollercoaster, you’ll experience a wide range of emotions, from joy and excitement to fear and anxiety. It’s like an emotional buffet where you can’t control which feelings show up on your plate. You’ll also face the challenges of sleep deprivation and the weight of societal expectations. It’s perfectly normal to question your identity and confidence in this tumultuous journey.

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Coping with the Ups and Downs of Matrescence and managing your emotions can feel a challenge but amidst all these emotions, self-care practices become your lifeline. It’s vital to seek support from loved ones, accept every feeling, and remember that it’s okay to ask for help. You’ll discover that prioritising your well-being isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.

Matrescence isn’t a solo journey; it’s one that can significantly impact your relationships. From the strain of a new baby on your relationship to communication breakdowns and navigating differences in parenting styles, it can feel like uncharted territory. But, guess what? It’s normal, and you’re not the only one trying to find your way through.

As you navigate this rollercoaster, you’ll face challenges, big and small. The beauty of these challenges is that they provide opportunities for personal growth. You’ll learn to build resilience and bounce back from setbacks because, after all, you’re stronger than you think. 

As we wrap up our journey through matrescence...

Remember that you are not alone, and you are enough. The rollercoaster of motherhood is a unique and transformative experience. I invite you to connect with me through Instagram HERE  or our website’s contact page HERE  Share your thoughts and what resonates with you most.

I’d love to connect with you and share my 4-part series, where we delve deep into everything matrescence with a remarkable psychotherapist who specialises in healing mother wounds. You are part of a vast and supportive community, and together, we can ride the waves of matrescence with strength and resilience while sharing a knowing smile that says, “I’ve been on that rollercoaster too”.

Join us on a journey through matrescence, the rollercoaster ride of motherhood. Understand the emotional ups and downs, how it affects your relationships, and find empowerment in the transformative journey of becoming a mum. Keely Pierce, Torbay, Torquay, Devon, schools, school, teacher, your coach, coaching, award winner, award-winning coach, local coach, find a coach,, secondary school, education, educational consultant, youth development coach, matrescence, how you can prepare for matrescence, I bet you're wondering what matrescence means, is matrescence a disease, mum, pregnancy, motherhood, what to expect when expecting, pregnancy journey, first-time mum, maternal changes, new mom, emotional rollercoaster, motherhood emotions, maternal transformation, pregnancy preparation, motherhood guide, becoming a mom, emotional journey, maternal experience, maternal health, maternal well-being, motherhood support, maternal identity, parental changes, pregnancy challenges, navigating motherhood, maternal care, maternal insights, coping with matrescence, maternal support, maternal resilience, maternal emotions, maternal self-care, maternal growth, maternal relationships, maternal journey, maternal bonding, maternal self-discovery, maternal transformation, maternal empowerment, maternal strength, maternal community, maternal experience, maternal wisdom, maternal connection, maternal validation, maternal confidence, maternal self-worth, maternal identity, maternal journey, pregnancy, expecting, pregnancy tips, pregnancy advice, pregnancy journey, pregnancy support, pregnancy health, pregnancy wellness, pregnancy guide, pregnancy preparation, pregnancy changes, pregnancy emotions, pregnancy care, pregnancy insights, maternal health, maternal wellness, maternal journey, maternal care, maternal wisdom, maternal bonding, maternal self-discovery, maternal transformation, maternal empowerment, maternal strength, maternal community, maternal experience, maternal wisdom, maternal connection, maternal validation, maternal confidence, maternal self-worth, maternal identity, maternal journey.

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